We are pleased to announce that Intermarket Securities Ltd is officially merged with/into EFG Hermes Pakistan (website is currently being updated accordingly)


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Market Watch

Displays live market prices of your chosen stock tickers. Also provides information such as Last Trading Price (LTP), Day’s High / Low, Opening Price, Trading Volumes, etc. of the selected stock tickers in your Market Watch.

REG: Represents ‘Regular Market’. In this market segment, stocks of all companies listed are traded in regular/normal lot sizes.
ODL: Represents ‘Odd Lots Market’. In this segment, investors can trade in SECURITIES in lot sizes that are outside of regular lot sizes.
Stock Price Lot Size
Up to Rs.100 500 shares
Above Rs.100 up to Rs.500 100 shares
Above Rs.500 up to Rs.1,000 50 shares
Above Rs.1,000 20 shares
CHANGE: Shows change in the share price in PKR
PERCENTAGE CHANGE: Shows change in the share price in percentage.
LAST TRADE: The rate at which the last trade was conducted
TURNOVER: Represents the number of stocks that have already exchanged hands at that point in the day.
BID: This is the highest price someone is willing to buy the stock for at that time.
BID VOLUMN: This is the number of shares that the best bid is willing to buy.
ASK VOLUME: This is the number of shares that the best offer is willing to sell.
HIGH: Represents the highest price of a stock that day.
LOW: Represents the lowest price of a stock that day.
UPPER: Represents the highest price the stock can trade on that day.
LOWER LIMIT: Represents the lowest price the stock can trade on that day.

Index Watch

Index Watch window displays statistical measures to track the performance of a basket of securities of the market. The most commonly followed Index is the KSE 100 Index.

CHANGE: Shows change in Index level in terms of points
PERCENTAGE CHANGE: Shows change in Index level in percentage
LAST: The current level of the Index
VALUE: Represents the total value of shares traded in an Index that day.
LOW: Represents the lowest level of the Index that day
HIGH: Represents the highest level of the Index that day.
TURNOVER: Represents the number of shares traded in an Index that day.

Order Window

VOLUME: Insert the number of shares of the selected scrip you want to buy or sell.
PRICE: Insert the rate at which you want to buy or sell the scrip.
LIMIT: A limit order is an order to buy or sell a stock at a specific price or better. A buy limit order can only be executed at the limit price or lower, and a sell limit order can only be executed at the limit price or higher. This is the most commonly used type of order.
STOP LOSS: A stop-loss order sells a specified stock once the stock price reaches a certain level. A stop-loss is designed to limit the loss on a security position.
MIT: A market-if-touched (MIT) order is a conditional order, for both buy or sell trades, which becomes a market order when a security reaches a specified price.
LEVERAGE BUY: Leverage in the stock market, also called margin trading, allows a trader to borrow capital to invest in more stock than what he can afford on his own.
MARKET (MKT): Market orders allow you to trade a stock for the going price, while limit orders allow you to specify your price.
SHORT SELL: Short selling is the selling of a stock that the seller doesn't own.
DISC VOLUME: Disclosed quantity allows you to disclose only a part of the actual quantity you want to buy/sell. Once the disclosed quantity is specified by you, the order is sent to the exchange and only the disclosed quantity will be shown on the market screen.
TRIGGER PRICE: The Stop Loss Trigger Price (SLTP) is a price entered at the time of placing a Stop-Loss order. When the price of the security reaches the SLTP price, the stop-loss order is activated and sent to the exchange for execution.
BUYING POWER: Refers to the money the investor has available to buy securities in a trading context. Buying power equals the total cash held in your account plus all available margin.
SELL LIMIT: An order to open a Sell position at a price higher than the current price level.
HOLDINGS: Holdings are the stocks contained in your portfolio.
PENDING BUYING: Pending buying is a list of all of the trades that have been entered but have not yet been executed.
PENDING SELL: Pending sell is a list of all of the trades that have been entered but have not yet been executed.
PENDING SHORT SELL: Pending short sell is a list of all of the trades that have been entered but have not yet been executed.


You can view your list of “Outstanding and Executed Orders” via the order summary and trade summary screen respectively.


A margin report tells you how much margin is currently blocked from your overall available balance—against any open positions.


TRADING CASH BALANCE: The cash balance value, is the total amount of available cash in the account. This figure is the amount that is available for immediate withdrawal or the total amount available to purchase securities in a cash account.
TOTAL WORTH: Represents the amount left after selling off all of your positions excluding trading commission and government taxes.
CUSTODY REDUCED VALUE: Custody reduced value is the value of your share after applicable haircuts.
MTM (P/L): Mark-to-Market (MTM) profit and loss shows how much profit you loss you realized over the statement period, regardless of whether positions are open or closed.


MARGIN (NET LIQUIDITY): Margin is the money borrowed from a brokerage firm to purchase an investment. It is the difference between the total value of securities held in an investor's account and the loan amount from the broker.
FREE MARGIN: Free Margin is the money in a trading account that is available for trading.
PENDING CASH WITHDRAWAL: Shows your in-process cash withdrawal request.
MARGIN PERCENTAGE: Margin is a percentage of the full value of a trading position that you are required to put forward in order to open your trade. Margin trading enables traders to increase their exposure to the market. This means both profits and losses are amplified.
OPEN POSITION: An open position is a trade that has been established, but which has not yet been closed out with an opposing trade. If an investor owns 300 shares of a stock, they have an open position in that stock until it is sold.
CASH WITHDRAWAL LIMIT: The cash available after settlement.
MARGIN REQUIRED: Required Margin is the amount of money that is set aside and “locked up” when you open a position.
CASH MARGIN CALL: A cash margin call occurs when the value of an investor's margin account falls below the broker's required cash.
CASH MARGIN REQUIRED: Cash Margin Requirement is the percentage of marginable securities that an investor must pay for with his/her own cash. It can be further broken down into Initial Margin Requirement and Maintenance Margin Requirement.
BLOCKED MTM PROFIT: This is the amount that gets blocked upfront from your account but then…each day the price moves up or down and therefore your margin money value gets adjusted to that extent.
NET MARGIN CALL: Is a broker’s demand for a trader to deposit more money or stock securities to bring a margin account back to the broker’s minimum requirement. This happens when a trader loses enough that the equity amount being held as collateral falls below this minimum value.


The Portfolio Summary shows the current market value of your investments.

COLLATERAL: Market value of a particular share
INVESTMENT: Total investment in a particular share
CURRENT WORTH: The current market worth of a particular share
PROFIT/LOSS: Shows the current profit or loss on a particular share.
PORTFOLIO WORTH: Total current market worth of your total investments.
COLLATERALS: Market value of the Total number of shares.
LEDGER BALANCE: The Ledger balance shows the balance remaining after selling and buying of shares.
NET WORTH: Net worth is the sum of all assets owned by the investor, minus any obligations or liabilities.
SCRIP(T): Listed company in Pakistan Stock Exchange
VOLUME: Represent the number of shares of a particular share in your portfolio
AVERAGE COST: Represent the average cost of a particular share in your portfolio
INVESTMENT: Total investment in a particular share
CURRENT PRICE: This shows the current market price per share.
CURRENT VALUE: The current market worth of a particular share.
PROFIT/LOSS: This shows the current profit or loss of your total investments.


Shows you a list of all cash transaction during a specified period.

OPENING: The opening balance is the balance that is brought forward at the beginning of a trading period from the end of a previous trading period.
CLOSING: A closing balance is the amount remaining in your trading account, positive or negative, at the end of a trading period.
DR (DEBIT): The amount deducted from your account in terms of buying of shares including charges from regulators etc.
CR (CREDIT): The amount added in your account in terms of selling of shares and profit held.


Quantity: The number of shares purchased i.e. Lot: 500 shares
Rate: The price at which the shares are purchased.
Commission Amount: A percentage of the transaction is charged as commission amount by the broker.
CVT/WHT: Currently not applicable by the regulator.
SECP LAGA: Trading activity charges applied by the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan.
PSX LAGA: Trading activity charges applied by the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
SALES TAX: Trading activity charges applied by the provincial government.
NCCPL: Trading activity charges applied by the National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited.
ADVANCE TAX: Currently not applicable.
CDC CHARGES: Trading activity charges applied by the Central Depository Company.


QUANTITY: The number of shares sold i.e. Lot: 500 shares
RATE: The price at which the shares are sold.
COMMISSION AMOUNT: A percentage of the transaction is charged as commission amount by the broker.
CVT/WHT: Currently not applicable by the regulator.
SECP LAGA: Trading activity charges applied by the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan.
PSX LAGA: Trading activity charges applied by the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
SALES TAX: Trading activity charges applied by the provincial government.
NCCPL: Trading activity charges applied by the National Clearing Company OF Pakistan Limited.
ADVANCE TAX: Currently not applicable.
CDC CHARGES: Trading activity charges applied by the Central Depository Company.


To initiate a payment request

WITHDRAWAL LIMIT: This shows you the limit within which you can withdraw cash.
PENDING WITHDRAWAL: Shows you in-process cash withdrawal request.
WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT: The available amount for withdrawal after settlement.


A list of all listed companies on Pakistan Stock Exchange.


Shows a list of top gainers, losers and volume leaders of a day in the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

GAINERS: Stocks that have increased the most in percentage terms that day.
LOSERS: Stocks that have decreased the most in percentage terms that day.
VOLUME LEADERS: Lists the stocks with the greatest volume for the day.


A stock quote is the price of a stock as quoted on an exchange. A basic quote for a specific stock provides information, such as its bid and ask price, last traded price, and volume traded.

LAST: The rate at which the last trade was conducted i.e. the current price.
BID (SIZE): This is the number of shares that the best bid is willing to buy.
OFFER (SIZE): This is the number of shares that the best offer is willing to sell.
PERCENTAGE CHANGE: Shows change in the share price in percentage.
LOW-HIGH: Represents the lowest and highest price of a stock that day.
LIMITS: Represents the lowest and highest price the stock can trade on that day.
TURNOVER: Represents the number of stocks that have already exchanged hands at that point in the day.
LOT SIZE: In the stock market, lot size refers to the number of shares you buy in one transaction.
MARKET: The Equity segment has following sub-markets wherein securities can be traded: Regular, Future and ODL.
RANGES: Shows the high and low prices of a particular stock during a particular time frame.
PRICE (AVG): Price (avg) is the average price for number of shares traded within a day in a given stock.
VOLUME (AVERAGE): Volume (avg) is the average number of shares traded within a day in a given stock.